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Arctic Tern Chick Getting a Spanking

Arctic Terns are known to be very territorial birds and act very quickly at chasing strangers away, but it was surprising to see this adult Tern unleashing its anger on a poor little Tern chick.

In this scene, a chick from another couple wandered too close to the neighbour's property. The helpless chick learned a painful lesson...

A Painful Lesson in Life

The little Tern chick did not mean any harm. In fact, it was just befriending another youngster and was happy to find a companion to play with. However, the youngster's parent did not see it that way and quickly intervened to separate the two chicks.

To assert its dominance, the adult Tern spreads its wings as it repeatedly inflicts painful bites with its powerful beak. Terrified, the Tern chick could do nothing but to remain low on the ground in a very submissive position.

Forging its Instincts

Although it was heartbreaking to witness this drama, it is afterall a very useful lesson for the chicks to learn. Indeed, it may be this type of behavioral response that forges the Terns instinct to be territorial. This is a critical skillset that helps the Terns protect their nest and chicks during breeding season.

This chick will sure remember not to trespass anymore, but it has also gained a valuable survival skill that will serve it well later in life.


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