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Polar Bear General Information |
The Polar Bear, with its sheer size and white fur, is a majestic animal, even more so when you see one with your own eyes.
Considered the largest land carnivore, it roams some of the most remote and inhospitable regions of the planet: the barren ice sheets of the Arctic.
Polar Bears become very active during the Spring when the extent of the sea ice is still large enough to create a vast hunting zone for the Polar Bear. During that time,
Seals are the main source of food.
Polar Bear Snuggle, Kaktovik
Polar Bears Kaktovik
Polar Bear in the North
Polar Bear with Cub
  Common Name:
  Scientific Name:
  Polar Bear
  Ursus maritimus
  Arctic Region
  2.5 to 3 m (Adult Male)
  400 to 700 Kg (Adult Male)
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Above: A Polar Bear and cub venture on the shores of the Beaufort Sea, on Barter Island.
Below: A large Polar Bear enjoys a sunny day in the Arctic.
Polar Bear on the Snow
Polar Bears in Alaska, Barter Island |
Unlike Brown Bears, Polar Bears don't usually hybernate during the winter months. However, pregnant Polar Bears will stay in dens during the winter birthing season,
protected from inclement weather under several feet of snow. When denning, the Polar Bear stays mostly inactive, however, that is not considered a hybernation.
Polar Bears on Whale Bones
Polar Bear Portrait
Polar Bear and Cub
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After giving birth, the female Polar Bear and her cubs emerge from their den in March or April and start to feed during the Spring and Summer months.
New born cubs, which measure approximately 1 foot, are tiny in comparison to their mother.
It is not uncommon for a female Polar Bear to give birth to more than one cub.
Polar Bear and Cub
Three Bears
Polar Bear Close Up Pictures |
Some close up photos of Polar Bears in the wild. Photos taken in Kaktovic, Alaska.
Alaska Polar Bear
Polar Bear Close-up
Polar Bears Snuggling
Polar Bears in Kaktovik, Alaska |
Mother Polar Bear with Cub
The fur of a Polar Bear is extremely efficient in retaining heat. The fur is actually made of hollow hair strands with high insulating properties.
Sleeping Polar Bear Cub
Kaktovik Bears
Polar Bear
Polar Bear in the Wild
Polar Bear Claws
Polar Bear on a sunny day. In this close up picture, a Polar Bear relaxes his head above his huge claws.
A Mountain of Whale Bones
Bear Cub Looking Back
Adult Polar Bear
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Two Polar Bears snuggling in the cold weather.
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