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Golden-Crowned Sparrow General Information |
Golden-crowned Sparrows are small migratory birds. In early Spring, they leave their winter grounds in western continental US, and begin their northward
migration to western Canada and Alaska where they establish their nesting grounds.
They only have a few months through late Fall to nest and raise their chicks before returning south.
Sparrow Eating a Seed
Golden-Crowned Sparrow Adult
Golden-Crowned Sparrow Juvenile
  Common Name:
  Scientific Name:
  Golden-Crowned Sparrow
  Zonotrichia atricapilla
  Alaska & North America
  approx. 25 cm (Adult)
  15 to 18 cm (Adult)
  20 to 36 grams (Adult)
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Below: The name comes from the distinctive bright yellow crown on top of the Sparrow's head, seen here on an adult Golden-Crowned Sparrow
spotted in South Central Alaska.
Yellow Crown on Sparrow's Head
White-Crowned Sparrow
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Left and Below: Also present in Alaska, the White-Crowned Sparrow is a close cousin of the Golden-Crowned Sparrow. The 3 white patches
on the head is the main differentiating detail.
White Crown on Sparrow's Head
Golden-Crowned Sparrows in Alaska |
Photos of Golden-Crowned Sparrows in the Spring and Summer. All photos are taken in various locations throughout South Central and Interior Alaska.
Adult Sparrow Gathering Food
Adult Sparrow Feeding Chick
Juvenile Sparrow
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Golden-Crowned Sparrow diet is mostly from small insects, berries, plant seeds, and occasionally new sprouts.
During our studies and observations of the feeding behaviour, it was noted that in South Central Alaska, the adult Golden-Crowned Sparrow would mostly feed their
chicks with insects.
Juvenile Sparrow South Central Alaska
Sparrow Feeding Chick
Adult Sparrow Alaska
Adult and Juvenile Sparrows
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Adult Golden-Crowned Sparrow raising its chick which is now several weeks old. The juvenile is almost as big as the parent in the picture below
where it is being fed some tender sprout shoots and seeds.
Feeding Sparrow Chick
Golden-Crowned Sparrow Close Up Pictures |
Some extreme close up photos of Golden-Crown Sparrows in the wild, revealing the intricate feather details.
Golden-Crowned Sparrow Up Close
Golden-Crowned Sparrow Juvenile
Sparrow Eating Lychen
Adult Golden-Crowned Sparrow
Golden-Crowned Sparrow Plumage |
Juvenile Summer Plumage
Close up pictures of Golden-Crowned Sparrow plumage during the Summer for adults and juveniles.
Left: This juvenile still has fluffy duvet type of feathers on its underbelly. In addition, the distinctive bright yellow patch is absent from
the top of the head. Overall plumage colors are dull and blend well with the surrounding rocky landscape.
Close up of Summer Plumage
Fluffy Duvet Underbelly
Juvenile Golden-Crowned Sparrow |
In Search of Food
Photos of juvenile Golden-Crowned Sparrows in late Spring and Summer, South Central Alaska. These young Sparrows are several weeks old and can already fly on their own.
Fluffing its Wings
Weeks Old Sparrow Chick
Juvenile Sparrow with Duvet
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Old enough to explore its surroundings and foraging for food under rocks or in shrubs.
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