~ Crows and Ravens in ALASKA ~
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Crows and Ravens belong to the same family of birds known as "Corvidae", which in fact, also includes Magpies and Jays.
Being all black, from "head to toes", they are easily recognized. However, it is quite difficult to tell apart a large Crow from small Raven.
  Common Names:
  Scientific Name:
  Corvus brachyrhynchos
  North America
  16 to 20 inches
  1 to 2 pounds
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Due to their deep black plumage and their rather irritating calls, we usually don't think of Ravens as songbirds, but they are actually the largest of them all.
Crow Harassing a Bald Eagle |
Who says size matters? This tiny Crow is definitely not scared of the fierce Bald Eagle, harassing it and even pulling a tail feather.
The Eagle eventually had to escape the wrath of the Crow.
Ravens and Eagles are often seen together.
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